Tenidiomas at sage college

Our summer campus offers children, teens and adults the chance to improve and practice their English language skills and improve spoken fluency whilst participating in classroom based tuition, sports and outdoor activities to help awaken their creativity. Options include General English and Fun courses for children from 8 yrs of age, plus a full-board residential option for those over 12 years of age.

The Cambridge Campus gives you the unique opportunity to prepare for the Cambridge Assessement accreditations: B1 Preliminary, B2 First or C1 Advanced on a 2-week intensive course ending with the exam. A collaboration between Tenidiomas, the Cambridge examinations centre Exams Cádiz and Sage College the British school of Jerez.

Students from abroad who wish to learn and improve their Spanish language skills can also attend our Spanish Campus offering total immersion whilst enjoying multi-sports, art, theatre and football. A truly excellent language experience.

english summer campus


At Tenidiomas, we have designed a summer camp especially for boys and girls from 8 years of age and above, offering an educational, fun, and safe environment for language learning.

For those over 12 years old, the experience can be enhanced and intensified with the option of on-site full-board accommodation, including activities and sports.

Our team of teachers together with the magnificent facilities at Sage College ensure effective learning, while recreational activities promote friendship and confidence.

This summer, invest in the future of your children and let them have an experience full of fun and learning!

2-WEEK COURSE FEE: 500,00€


A more comprehensive experience that, with over 20 hours of weekly contact, allows for the use of English in both face-to-face classes and multi-sport activities or, if preferred, art and theater workshops or football. Full board accommodation is located within the safety of the Sage College campus, in double rooms, each with its own bathroom and shower.



A 2-week total immersion in English. With 5 hours of daily face-to-face sessions, practice of various types of questions, along with focused drills that are 100% aligned with the content and format of the exams. In addition to the in-person sessions, participants will have access to an online platform with hundreds of additional exercises to practice at their own pace. The courses conclude with the official Cambridge Assessment exam held on the campus premises. Full-board residential accommodation available with swimming pool access.

  • B1 Preliminary
  • B2 First
  • C1 Advanced




  • Timetable: 8:30am – 3pm or full-time residential
  • English tuition –  15 or 25 hours per week
  • Breakfast and lunch
  • Residential option: full-board, access to swimming pool, activities and multi-sports (only for children over 12 yrs of age)


spanish summer campus

For those travelling from other countries wanting to practice and improve their Spanish language skills during the summer months, Tenidiomas has designed a comprehensive program in Jerez for individuals aged 12 and over. In addition to learning the language in an ideal and, above all, safe environment, students also participate in outdoor activities, multi-sports and day-trips. On-site facilities include football pitch, basketball court and athletics track.
Full-board accommodation is provided in comfortable, well-equipped double rooms, each with its own bathroom and shower, on the premises at Sage College. For those wishing to travel in groups, we can tailor a program to their needs, complementing the tuition with visits and excursions to other locations. Immerse yourself in Spanish culture in an ideal space to enjoy the summer!

spanish summer experience

  • Duration: 1 or 2 weeks
  • Spanish tuition –  15 horas/semana
  • Full board accommodation
  • Acitivities plus one day-trip per week


More information

Tenidiomas is accredited by Instituto Cervantes and belongs to FEDELE & AEEA



Please contact us for further details